Dear Fans,
Hear me roar!
1) The male species challenges my intelligence on a regular basis. If I choose not to do something, he assumes that it is due to a lack of mental alacrity, although it ought to be blindly obvious that I am simply using strategy, because if I wait long enough, he will perform the undesirable task for me. Sometimes, too, out of nowhere, just when I'm being my lovable self, insults are hurled at me in the form of "your brain is the size of a walnut" as if I'm so dumb I'll "think" it is a "joke" or "tease". Here me world and know that my brain is the size of a walnut with the shell. And a large walnut at that. One that's been pumped full of gibberellins.
It is shamefully clear to me that the female of the species is superior to the male.
2) I am so sick of the "male gaze" and the "female sees herself through the male reflection" propaganda that I am dry heaving as I type this. I do not need to "see" myself through his eyes because I know who I am. I am a sentient being. If he can't respect that, it's really not my problem.
3) I am disgusted that the male seems to believe that I, all females for that matter, are simply here for his viewing pleasure, as if we have not higher purpose than to be gazed upon. For example, walking is a regular part of my daily routine. I exercise because I want to stay fit and to live a long and healthy life. It really is that simple. However, not a walk goes by without some bozo giving me the three times over and/or making an inappropriate remark. I strive to pretend not to notice these embarrassingly juvenile displays, as that technique causes me the least amount of stress and I'm always looking out for number one. However, I can only ignore stupidity for so long before it becomes necessary to protect myself. When my compassion and maturity and decorum has been too, too tried, I take action and scare the male. I tighten my face into a grimace, flare my nostrils, and flash my teeth. Males prefer to see the softer side of my face, and I don't care. I find it much too delightful watching terror flash over mr. tough guy's face to care more about that male gaze than my personal satisfaction. Of course, I would never actually seriously hurt anyone, if it can be avoided. However, there are occasions that warrant that a ragefull growl and powerful lunge be added to the performance to completely scare the piss out of the hound. I save this encore performance for the lying fools. It really gets my goat when the fella who is making moves on me has a beautiful and devoted gal who is completely unaware of his attempts at lechery. Anyone who behaves in such inappropriate and irreverent ways needs a little nibble nibble.
I know, I know. Some of you are saying, "Poor little Sweetie. She has the brains, the beauty, the body, the career, the fame. It's so tough to be her." But that statement bounces back to you, too. With our superior thinking and feeling skills, most females have found a way to be all and have it all. With this power comes great responsibility (see below) and so we must unite and stick together. Just the girls.
Ladies, it is imperative that we respect ourselves (more on this later), take care of ourselves, look out for each other, and create a world in which we will fulfill our rightful roles as leaders of this planet. Let's make this our manifest destiny.
Sayonara senores,
Sweetie P. Clark
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