Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Single Life as Sweetie

I know, I know, my fans are dying to learn about my old boyfriends, like Fernando, C.C.S. (his name must be coded to protect his identity), Vladimir, Chihuahua, and a few others.  I know some of you want to know as many juicy details as possible about my exciting life because you like the dirt, while others are searching for mentors, someone to look up to, someone to emulate.  I know all of that and more.  However, the truth is, right now I've been enjoying my summer time as a single lady and really can't even be bothered to write about those old flames.  It's been so hot up in here that I can't even think of having any kind of flame what so ever. And that's really not my problem.
Just enjoying my own company.
As a single gal, I feel incredibly free and liberated in a way that differs from the free feeling I get when I walk out on the saps.  As a singleton, my life is less complicated and stressful.  I have time, albeit never enough, to focus on what is really important and that would be myself.  You've seen my photos; you get what I'm talking about.  Most importantly, I don't rely on the male gaze to reflect my beauty back to me, any shiny surface will do.
I see my beauty.
If you really want to go there, my boyfriends have a habit of getting on my nerves (except my one true love Jean DeBout).  They tend to be clingy and insecure.  They are vague when I like details.  They are errant and unpredictable in their behavior when I prefer to follow proper procedure.  They are like puppies and they are boring. 

Yours truly,
Sweetie P. Clark

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