Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Nose Knows

Dear Readers,

It has come to my attention that while my fans were thrilled with the snippet from my interview on Smell Smells and simply adored my new single, "Give a Little Bit (of Your Ham to Me)", the base was distressed that since the interview was on radio, no one was able to see my beautiful little face.  In light of that news, I've decided to dedicate this post to all those who know a pretty girl when they see one.  I have new and delightful photos of me to share, and I've decided to focus on one of my favorite and most under-mentioned body parts, my sensational nose.  Smells are, after all,  perhaps my favorite sensory experience.  I love the subtle qualities of an aroma that my nose detects.  Each and every quality of a smell is noted and appreciated.  I can linger in luxury as my olfactory guide identifies the complex nuances of assorted scents.  All of this is thanks to my beautiful nose.

Coincidentally, I've noticed that alleged strong minded, mature women have been succumbing to our culture's pressure to reflect eternal youth.  Noticing the dearth of naturally beautiful women, I recognize my duty and responsibility to be the spokes model for looking our ages.  I alone can show the western world the grace, the dignity, the wisdom, that an aging face displays.  I thought Madonna was going to be that gal, but she opted out somewhere along the way. 

The first photo I've shared is a close up on my precious nose.  It's remarkable how perfectly symmetrical it is.  My black nose is flushed with a touch of pink.  The carefully scalloped edges lead the eye to the precise bottom point which further directs the eye to my furry little lip.

More goodness.
Above is a slightly different angle of my beautiful nose.  I'd like you to notice how white the areas around my nose have become.  I happen to be rather pleased with the evolution of my face.  Do you see any signs of salon color?  Do my cheeks look too tight?  Am I wrinkle-free? Absolutely not!  And, I look good and know it.  Everyone knows it.  It is true that this look is all the rage, but it's because as I vowed to accept my glory in it's fully natural state, I inadvertently started a new trend, among the young pups nonetheless.  Hardy har har.

Thought you might like the three quarter angle.  Notice I hold my nose high.
There's some old sayings about different kinds of beauty, it's in the beholder's eye and all that jazz.  Fortunately for everyone involved, those sentiments are completely true as technically, no one is more beautiful than me.  Anyway, really, what I want, what I insist, you take away from my latest words of wisdom is that we all must be able and willing to see the beauty in our own faces.  Maybe your nose is not as long as mine, nor as adept at recognizing fragrances, maybe you don't have sharp whiskers, or a furry face, maybe your face is still smooth with youth and angst.  Guess what?  That's perfect and just the way it's supposed to be.  Appreciate what you have. You can be fabulous just as you are, just as you change, day after day after day.  What more proof do you need than moi?

Ta-ta darlings,
Sweetie P. Clark

P.S.- some of you were probably admiring my teeth.  I'll have a story to tell about them soon.  But before that, I may tell you about Billy.  Any votes?


  1. Sweetie P, you have such perfect bone structure and skin that any procedures would simply diminish perfection. I vote for the toofers since I read somewhere that you may be facing some dental work in the future.

    1. Gooooshwjuan,

      Your comment reveals keen intelligence- I do have perfect bone structure and sensational skin. The rest of my figure is rather ravishing as well. I regret that the photos did not reveal me in all my splendor.

      I will certainly take your request into consideration as I prepare my next post.

