Sunday, December 9, 2012


Dear Fans,

As some of you already know, at the end of the summer, the puparazzi had tracked me down and was constantly harassing me, so I was forced to move to a secret, and heretofore, undisclosed location for my safety and security.  Given the severity of the situation, I was advised to lay low for a few months.  But I'm back on the front, ready to report to you on my remarkable life.

I can't reveal where I am, but I have a couple of photos to share with you about my harrowing escape.  I think you will notice that even under great duress, I look remarkable.

Since I'm not particularly interested in flying, I opted to use my car service to escape.  This is from our third night on the road.

Even though I had my security with me, I couldn't help but stay on guard until I finally felt like I was safe.

This was the number of my safe house.  Once I reached my location, I had to stay here until a semi-permanent residence could be established.  (I hope I'm not giving too much away.)

Once my security determined that I was in a safe location and that there was no immediate danger of the puparazzi finding me here, I was able to resume a more comfortable lifestyle.  Here I am enjoying one of my first outings.  Darned if despite the stress and turmoil I suffered through, I still don't look refreshed and dazzling.

Sweetie P. Clark

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