Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Thigh highs

I've decided to add a new regimen to my daily walks- stairs work.  Not only am I using stairs to do this and that, but to sculpt more muscle into my already delectable thighs.  Please don't get the wrong impression and think that there was any need for me to improve upon my already beautiful figure. I've just decided to take my stunning physique in a new direction.  
I gracefully zoom down the stairs.
As a result of my amended health plan, I've noticed I have an extremely beautiful curve in the back of my thighs which makes my wings stand at higher attention. The increased firmness makes my little leggies even more savory.  See for yourself!
Are you jealous?
How do I get more beautiful with each passing day?  I really don't know!
 Because stair work can be hard on the muscles, I like to get at least 3 massages a day; once in the morning, once in the afternoon, once in the evening.  My assistants love to rub my thighs.  Sometimes I request 3 massages per person, so that can mean I get at least 6 per day (If it storms, I kindly accept more.).  When I travel, I have more people on staff, so I easily receive up to 12 massages a day. 

Maybe some of you have some concerns about your thighs.  Perhaps you weren't born with a stellar little body like me.  And I doubt that you have exquisite thighs, as so few, besides me, do.  My advice to you is to start taking the stairs.  When you do, zip up as fast as your tootsies can carry you.  As you race down, it's essential to flow, as this allows your hips to undulate back and forth just so.  It makes for an intoxicating image.   Do this a lot.  Before you know it, you will love your thighs!

Yours truly,

Sweetie P.

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